Role and Mission
The Role and Mission of the Beautification Committee is to engage residents in projects and partnerships that enhance the beauty and appeal of our neighborhood. The committee is responsible for the landscaping and maintenance of common property areas, for devising a long-term strategic plan, and for providing assistance to the Architectural Review Committee (ARC).
Supervision of Common Property Areas
- Prepare contracts for mowing and maintaining the eight circles and the main entrance to the Fernbank neighborhood.
- Note: Contracts are reviewed annually and put out for bid as requested by the Board, usually on a three year rotation. The contracted lanscape company is responsible for mulching and weeding planted areas, pruning shrubbery, and mowing common property areas.
- Work with landscape contractors to remove and/or replace plantings as needed.
- Monitor work of all contractors during seasonal contract duration.
- Oversee routine maintenance of hardscapes.
- Monitor drainage areas for debris.
Other Duties
- Monitor trees and plantings for viability and replacement as needed.
- Research and consult regarding the appropriate replacement of items as they age out, or become diseased or overcrowded.
- Recruit volunters to assist with additional maintenance, including organizing neighborhood beautification days.
- Coordinate volunteers to assist in assembling, placing and removal of seasonal decorations at the main entrance and other targeted areas along Fernbank Drive.
Adminstrative Duties
- Maintain a database of lanscape consultants and vendors, arborists, nurseries and contractors for tree and branch removal and maintain a recommended landscaping plant list.
- Approve invoices for work and material.
- Provide committee report for monthly and annual meetings.
- Prepare an annual budget from the FBC for presentation at the Annual Meeting.
- Track budget and expenses to determine priorites for current and ongoing projects.
- Provide articles for the Fernbank Fanfare newsletter.
The Chair has approval to make expenditures of up to $500 without Board approval. The committee may have co-chairs and if so it is recommended that at least one serve on the Board and attend monthly meetings.